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Brown (Black) Marbled Tabby - SBT - Bernadette is a young Queen with outstanding presence. She is highly glittered, has short rounded ears, and a very exotic pattern. She is the only Marble in our breeding program.
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Seal Sepia Spotted Tabby “Snow” - SBT - “Bella” is a wonderful representative of how a Sepia Spotted should look. She has wonderful spots, very exotic face, and a short thick tail. She has made a great addition to our breeding program.
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Seal Sepia Spotted Tabby “Snow” - SBT - This young stud is a new breeder at just over a year of age.  We have had just a couple of litters from him , and we are thrilled with the quality that he is producing.


Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby - Out of Asian Leopard "Senor Romeo" - Filal 4 - Lotus is a wonderful up-and-coming Queen.  She is beautifully marked and has an exceptional personality.  We can not wait to see how she produces in our breeding program.


Silver (Black) Spotted Tabby - SBT -  We are finally venturing out into the exciting world of "Silvers."  Something we've wanted to do for a long time.  Moonstone is a fine representation of an excellent silver.  He is our up-and-coming new "Stud".  View Moonstone's parents.

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